Sunday, February 17, 2013

February 2013

  So far, February has been a good month.  We had another MFWSO family meeting and saw my BFF, Mallory Fuller, again.  I helped out with IHOP's National Pancake Day by asking for and donating to the Shriner's Hospital for Children.  I worked with Shriner Luke and Shriner Scott who were very nice and informative.  Also, I had my Jacy's JEWELS and GEMS sign a giant Valentine's Day card for my friend Tyler that is suffering from leukemia.  Please keep him in your prayers.  More posts to come.
<3 Jacy MCOT
Donating to Shriner's Hospital for Children at IHOP's National Pancake Day.
Shriner Scott and Shriner Luke at IHOP.
My Jewels and Gems signing a Valentine's Day card for Tyler.

January 2013

   Back tracking hopefully for the last time. In January, Jacy's Jewels and Gems met again and discussed how we are all unique like snowflakes. We each made our own snowflake and displayed them on the bulletin board.  I read a book entitled The Crayon Box That Talked by Shane DeRolf. The book explains that we are all different and are all meant to have a different purpose in life like the Crayons in the box. I am happy to announce that we collected $150 this month for Tokens for Tyler so I set up a bank account at First United Bank in Seagraves for future donations. On another note, thanks to Santa Claus, I was able to attend the Miss America pageant in Las Vegas. Miss Texas, DaNae Couch, did a fabulous job on the Miss America stage and represented the state of Texas very well. Congratulations to Mallory Hagan, Miss New York, who was crowned the new Miss America. I had a blast meeting former Miss Americas', the current Miss America's Outstanding Teen, Rachell Wyatt, and seeing Tony Bowls again! The MFWSO (Miss Fort Worth Scholarship Organization) met again and had our "Bah-Humbug" Christmas party and monthly meeting. It was oodles of fun. I was excited to hear that some of my books were shipped to Florida during this month; it's great to be sharing my story and helping others not just in the state of Texas, but outside of Texas as well.  I have also created two web pages;, and one specifically for my Jacy's JEWELS and GEMS, so feel free to visit them at any time. They are still under construction, but I will soon have my contact information on them for booking me for school programs, book signings, notifying me of upcoming community service/appearance opportunities, and for more information on how to donate to Tokens for Tyler.           <3Jacy MCOT 2013

My badge for Miss America! :)
Miss America's Outstanding Teen, Rachel Wyatt. (I hope to fill her shoes the last week of July)

Miss Texas, DaNae Couch,(center) and Miss Texas contestants after final night at the Miss America pageant.
Some of my Miss Fort Worth family by the Amway sign at the Miss America pageant.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

December 2012

      Sorry I've not posted in a while. I've been having some technical difficulties, so I'm going to back track a little.
  December has been jam-packed with many fun activities. I held a Jacy's JEWELS meeting with my Jewels and Gems.  We learned about shining bright like diamonds in the sky and the story of Rudolph and how he was bullied but became famous because he was different. I also asked my Jewels and Gems and a local National Honor Society to help me donate Toys for Tots in which we raised $640 worth of toys. I helped sort cans for our local food drive and had a blast with my friend helping me. I was able to attend Carrollton on the Square where I met the wonderful people of Carrollton, signed autographs, and slid down the snow slide; it was amazing! Upon doing that, I was invited back to Carrollton for the Christmas Tree Lighting. I met the sweet Mayor Matthew Marchant and his family, rode in a horse-drawn carriage with a beautiful white horse whose hoofs were painted with green and red sparkles, and sang Christmas carols with a live band. I had the great privilege of meeting some amazing people at the Down Syndrome Partnership of Tarrant County Christmas party. The children and adults with Down Syndrome have some awesome dance moves; one guy was even teaching me how to dance. It was magnificent.  My best friend, Mallory Fuller who is the current Miss Fort Worth's Outstanding Teen, gave up her Miss White Settlement's Outstanding Teen title and invited me to the pageant because she put me in her farewell speech.  Later that night, I went to the Miss Texas Talent Show Fundraiser in support of our wonderful Miss Texas, DaNae Couch. Since we had Winter Meeting the next day, I had a super fun slumber party with Miss Carrollton, Brittney Bennett. After the great Winter Meeting, DaNae had her Wardrobe Showing where we had a sneak peek of her Miss America Wardrobe, which was stunning and glamorous. I was granted the opportunity to share my school program with Seagraves Elementary School and Seagraves Junior High School. I had so much fun meeting the boys and girls, taking pictures with them, and giving them hugs. Last, but certainly not least, the Denver City Press sponsored a book reading for me in my home town. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Landry, the DC Press, and the community of Denver City for your love and support! <3 Jacy MCOT 2013